2.26.3: Year 2 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea

Hello, students. You now can learn about Caleb, an American teenager, as part of “American Teens Talk!” book. I suggest you read and listen to this section several times so you can improve your American English reading and listening comprehension skills. Don’t forget to respond to the prompts in the comments section below so that you can improve your writing skills as well.

Directions: Please read about the section about Caleb two or more times.

Directions: Please listen to the section about Caleb two or more times.

Directions: Please respond to one of the prompts below in the comments section at the bottom of this page.

  1. Caleb and his friends got sick because of
    the movement of the roller coaster (motion
    sickness). Do you or people that you know
    get sick from riding in a car or bus on curving
    roads? When and where did it happen? Do
    you think you would enjoy the roller coaster,
    like Caleb and his friends, or would you stay
    away from it?
  2. Where would you like to go on a fun trip with
    your friends? What would you do there? How
    would you have fun?

3 thoughts on “2.26.3: Year 2 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea

  1. Greetings to all

    1 Caleb and his friends got sick because of the movement of the roller coaster (motion sickness). Do you or people that you know get sick from riding in a car or bus on curving roads? When and where did it happen?

    Before, it was more common than now, but time to time you can find people that get sick when they have a trip. In my country this more happen in Los Andes.

    Do you think you would enjoy the roller coaster, like Caleb and his friends, or would you stay away from it?
    Certainly, I use to enjoy this atraction but without to abuse, because I can get sick
    2. Where would you like to go on a fun trip with your friends? What would you do there? How would you have fun?
    Really, I´d like to go to Disney World too but with my family and ride all the park knowing and enjoying all its atractions

    Thank you Maestro

  2. Lesson 2.26.3 Year 2
    American Teens Talk!
    Discussion Questions:
    Every first ride of my life, if it was a car, bus, or airplane made me vomit. Throughout my journey, I used to throw up and felt a sensation of nausea. Later on, I got used to it and started to enjoy my travelling.

  3. Greetings Maestro Sersea
    Yes, my smaller sister when we ride long distance have faced that kind of situation, she feel nauseous but without led to throw up, I have had the same trouble mainly at the curving road, I remember a trip that I did to Santa Barbara my ears started to whistle and I felt nauseous, but my dear mother gave me a tip to not throw up and it was eat lemon while we were traveling this help to avoid the vomit, although there’s pills that serve to prevent the vomit, too.
    About the roller coaster I never in my life has get up to one but, I think that I couldn´t support such a thing and for other hand I consider a little bit dangerous. So that I have stayed away from it.
    Thank you so much.

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