Lesson 2.38.4 – Year 2 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea

American Holidays and Celebrations #8: Martin Luther King Day

Like people from all over the world, Americans celebrate a variety of holidays and celebrations. Watch each video and read along each article to learn about American Holidays and Celebrations.

  1. Directions: Watch the video below and write a short summary of what you learned in the comments section below.

3 thoughts on “Lesson 2.38.4 – Year 2 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea

  1. Hello , hind from Iraq.
    Martin Luther (king day).
    Martin Luther , honors the life and legacy of the civil right movement and recipient of the 1964,Nobel prize , at young age , he showed strong promise shipping 9th and 12th grades and entering Morehouse College at the age of 15.His beliefs in equality and brotherly love developed early as he listened to the sermons of his father and grandfather ,both minister.
    In late Lass he received dis doctorate degree in Theology.
    There are many souther states that witnessed the indignities suffered by African American as a result of racism , discrimination and unjust every African American .
    He founded and other followers the noun violent struggle against racism .
    Dr King urged people to demonstrate peacefully and not resort to violent.
    Finally after 381 days the boycott of the Montgomery bus system was successful.
    The Supreme Court declared the state of Alabama’s .
    The woman whose small act of protest inspired the bus boycott was later named the “Mother of the civil Right movement” .
    The following is an excerpt the speech entitled”I have a dream” .
    Dr. King.others wanted the holiday on the day he was assassinated , finally in 1986 President Ronald Reagan declared the third Monday in January a federal holiday in hono of Dr(Morton Luther King).

  2. Greeting to all
    The Martin Luther King Day:
    This day honors the life and legacy of one of visionary leaders of the Civil Rights Movement and recipients of the 1964 Novel Prize for Peace.
    In late 1955, Martin Luther King, Jr. received his Doctorate degree in theology and moved to Montgomery, Alabama, to preach at Baptist Church. There, as in many southern states, he witnessed the indignities suffered by African-American as the result of racism, discrimination and unjust laws. One of this laws required all black passengers to ride in the back of public buses and to give up their seats to white passenger when the front of the bus was full. Dr King Knew that this law violated the rights of every African -American, which ended up generating big protest, violences actions and finally a boicott against transport companies, which lasted 381 days. The boicott was successful and the Suprem court declared the State of Alabama´s segregation law unconstitucional. The segregation of buses was just one of the many forms at injustices to African-Americans which brought international attention to this inequities and to the Dr King, who led to the Civil Rights Movement.
    One of the most powerful and elegant speeches of Dr King was entitled “I Have a Dream” but was assassinated on april 4, 1968. In spite of this, the protest and activities of social movements didn´t stop and his widow founded in 1969 The Martin Luther King Center for Non-Violence Social Change. Nowaday, every third monday in January, The United States celebrate the Martin Luther King Day with quiet memorial services, ceremonies and public forum.
    Thank you Maestro

  3. Greetings to all:
    The Martin Luther King Day:
    This day honors the life and legacy of one of visionary leaders of the Civil Rights Movement and recipients of the 1964 Novel Prize for Peace.
    In late 1955, Martin Luther King, Jr. received his Doctorate degree in theology and moved to Montgomery, Alabama, to preach at Baptist Church. There, as in many southern states, he witnessed the indignities suffered by African-American as the result of racism, discrimination and unjust laws. One of this laws required all black passengers to ride in the back of public buses and to give up their seats to white passenger when the front of the bus was full. Dr King Knew that this law violated the rights of every African -American, which ended up generating big protest, violences actions and finally a boicott against transport companies, which lasted 381 days. The boicott was successful and the Suprem court declared the State of Alabama´s segregation law unconstitucional. The segregation of buses was just one of the many forms at injustices to African-Americans which brought international attention to this inequities and to the Dr King, who led to the Civil Rights Movement.
    One of the most powerful and elegant speeches of Dr King was entitled “I Have a Dream but was assassinated on april 4, 1968. In spite of this, the protest and activities of social movements didn´t stop and his widow founded in 1969 The Martin Luther King Center for Non-Violence Social Change. Nowaday, every third monday in January, The United States celebrate the Martin Luther King Day with quiet memorial services, ceremonies and public forum.
    Thank you Maestro

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